Tuesday, October 27, 2015

Dijon - It's not just mustard!

During the Toussaint vacation, schools in France are typically on vacation for the last two weeks in October. The first of November is a religious holiday but also an official holiday when all the banks, schools and public offices are closed.  Stores are full of potted chrysanthemums that people bring to the cemetery on November 1st.  I am tempted to purchase some of these colorful plants to put at my doorstep or on my balcony but since it is a traditional flower for the graveside, it would be a bit macabre.  Sophia and I are taking advantage of this two week vacation to meet up with our German friends in Dijon.
Dijon is located close to the center of France, in the heart of the Burgundy region.  It took us 5½ hours to drive to Dijon.  We chose to go north, eventually leaving the highway to drive through the mountains and then picking up the highway again near Grenoble.  The views were beautiful the whole way!  

We finally arrived outside of Dijon in a small hamlet outside of the village of Aiserey. where our fiends found this lovely vacation rental or "Gite".  I want to shout out to Claire and Cyril of "La maison au comptoir" for providing us with such a beautiful home.  It was a great base for our exploration of  Dijon and the surrounding area.

Market day is Friday in Dijon and we decided to start at "les Halles" a beautiful covered market designed by Gustave Eiffel, think Eiffel tower.  Don't go there if you don't want to buy food!  Lots of beautiful, colorful, edible food.  Except the mushrooms and some organ meats, I was in culinary heaven.  Not only was there lots of mustard but there were other delicacies from the area like nonnettes, Crème de Cassis, pain d'epices, Burgandy wine, snails and so much more!  

salt cod 

Dijon - les Halles

We decided to continue our visit of Dijon by following the "parcours de chouette" or Owl trail.  After purchasing a book at the tourist office we followed brass triangles around the city and explored some of its historical monuments.  We climbed up the tower of Philippe le Bon where we learned about the construction of the tower and from the top we could see the signature multi-colored rooftops of the Dijon region. 
Gargoyle - Tour Philippe le Bon
Multi-colored tile roofs - view from tower
Half timbered house

We visited the interior of Saint-Michel church and in Saint-Benigne cathedral we also visited the crypt.  The girls thought it was a bit creepy but I liked to see the architecture and history of the church.  The path brought us through Place de la Liberation where we could see the outside of the Ducal palace and Place Darcy which had lots of shops, cafés and a triomphal arch with a Mario hanging in the center of it.  Our visit of Dijon ended up in the Jardin Dracy where the were able to take a picture with the white bear of Dijon and throw coins in the fountain.  There is so much more to see in this city and I hope that one day we will return to spend more time.  Many thanks to my friends who joined us in Dijon, it was so much fun to explore with you! Let's do it again! ♥

Ducal palace entrance and two Dukes

Ducal Palace and Place de la Liberation

Place de la Liberation

Jardin Darcy - l'Ours Blanc

Place Darcy - Mario

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Bonjour! I would love to hear from you!