Thursday, April 28, 2016

Isle sur la Sorgue

The Sorgue has a constant temperature of
12-13 Celcius (53-55F)  all year round.  

La Sorgue is the river that flows through and around the town of Isle sur la Sorgue.  It is a fast flowing, cold river.  Through the clear waters you can see the lush green moss and plants swaying in the current.  Ocassionally you can see fish swimming against the current.  This river is the very essence of the town Isle sur la Sorgue.

The river has been used to defend the town as a natural moat surrounding the original walled city.  Colonies of fishermen were given privileges in the ancient community to fish the river from it's source in Fontaine de Vaucluse all the way to where it joins the Rhone river.  Later canals were created and the river was harnessed for its power.  Mills were constructed to produce oil, wheat, silk, paper and fabric.  This industrial activity brought people from all around and the weekly markets were conducted.  The Thursday market began as early as 1596.  

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Map of Isle sur la Sorgue

Today there are two major markets, the one on Thursday and the other on Sunday morning.  Isle sur la Sorgue has become a center for antiques and arts. You can find shops with all sorts of antiques or "broquant".  There are art galleries featuring pottery, glass, sculptures and paintings.  Two times a year, Isle-sur-la-Sorgue becomes the European capital of Antique and used furniture.  The events bring thousands of antique hunters from all over the world.

Winter market
eggs so fresh you can slap them
Lots of dried, cured sausages

beautiful radishes
Isle-sur-la-Sorgue marché - August

The first Sunday in August is celebrated with the "Marché Flottant".  People in traditional dress float on the Sorgue in the tradional boats, "Négo-chin".  There are crowds, music and lots of food!  You have to look at the video on this link. CLICK HERE  It is absolutely beautiful.  I have never attended this particular market because we are not usually in France the first week of August.  This year we will be here!!!  

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The "négo-chin" boat, which translate to drowned dog, is a cultural pastime in Isle-sur-la-Sorgue.  You can take lessons and eventually participate in races held on the Sorgue.  The boat and its navigators must successfully complete a 1.5k course and navigate around small dams,  over waterfalls and under bridges.  All this with one large pole and a flat-bottomed boat!  Don't forget how cold the water is!  Sophia has a friend who live in Fontaine de Vaucluse who took lessons for awhile.  She said that it takes a lot of balance!

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Isle-sur-la-Sorgue has many names.  Whether it is Insula, the first name of the city or "The island city" or "the Venice of Provence" whatever you want to call it, Isle sur la Sorgue is a captivating town full of cool green canals, antiques, art and great ice cream!

1 comment:

  1. Your posts are always interesting and informational! Now, I can't wait for August! ♥ you!


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